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Some Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, pectin dietary fibre and manganese**.

Bananas contain also contain several antioxidants.

One medium-sized healthy banana (118 grams) "typically" contains:

Calcium, CaContact Sydney Banana Lady Today5mg
Magnesium, MgContact Sydney Banana Lady Today28mg
Phosphorus, PContact Sydney Banana Lady Today22mg
Potassium, KContact Sydney Banana Lady Today326mg
Zinc, ZnContact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.16mg
Copper, CuContact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.101mg
Manganese, MnContact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.258mg
Vitamin CContact Sydney Banana Lady Today12.3mg
ThiaminContact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.056mg
NiacinContact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.662mg
Vitamin B-6Contact Sydney Banana Lady Today0.209mg
Folate, totalContact Sydney Banana Lady Today14µg
CarbohydrateContact Sydney Banana Lady Today23g
Sugars, total including NLEAContact Sydney Banana Lady Today12.23g
Source: USDA

But wait, there's more.

​Bananas are a great source of natural vitamin B6

Natural Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of a healthy persons vitamin B6 needs.

How does Vitamin B6 help your body:

  • produces red blood cells
  • metabolise carbohydrates and fats, converting them into energy
  • metabolise amino acids
  • bananas help remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys
  • helps maintain a healthy nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women as it helps meet their baby's development needs.

Vitamin B6 is required by the liver to produce detoxification binding proteins such as Cysteine, Glutathione, and Metallothionein.

Detoxification of heavy metals, pesticides, pain medications such as tylenol, and many other environmental toxins is dependent on Liver enzymes which require Vitamin B6 in order to function.

Glutathione is a very well known liver healer.

Bananas Contain Powerful Antioxidants

Many fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary antioxidants, especially organic sources, and bananas are no exception.

Bananas contain several types of potent antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins.

Antioxidants are linked to many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease and degenerative illnesses especially for people who ingest lots of heavily processed hydrogenated vegetable oils (which have been substantially linked to heart disease since the early 1900's). [Further Reading]

** Manganese helps increase your gut bacteria which is critical for digestion and both mental and physical health.


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Phone: 02 9746 7204

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