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Bananas and Potassium

There is a lot of mis-information about the Potassium levels in bananas.

The Australian Govt Food Standards Dept actually lists MG's per KILO and not per banana as most people state.

According to the Food Standards Dept, bananas have approx 346 Mgs of potassium PER KILO which is contrary to what most "click Bait" websites (and many il-informed doctors sites) claim, which is approx 346 Mgs PER Banana.Bananas and Potassium

FYI: There are approx 4 - 5 large sized bananas to 1 kg and this is a major discrepancy as you can easily see considering that some bananas may have more or less potassium than other bananas.

Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte which your body needs and according to most Naturopaths, should be taken with Magnesium either via your food or supplemented as required.

Potassium + Magnesium are critically important for good heart health.


Taking too much Potassium can be dangerous. Anything in excess may harm you, even water.

Beneficial Bananas

Even if you have just 1 or 2 bananas a day, you will be getting some of your RDI of Potassium and this will help you have a better quality of life.

Too Many Bananas?

Here is some great info about the mis-information about eating too many bananas, plus a great video which dispels many internet urban myths about bananas.


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