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Eating Too Many Bananas

How many bananas can I eat a day?

Firstly, if you are unsure or concerned about your potassium levels, it is strongly suggested that you get a "Blood Analysis" check. This is highly beneficial for a whole range of potential mineral deficiencies.

So how many bananas can I eat a day?

Like many things online, you will read a lot of dis-information, even from doctors.

Eating too many bananas

Many vegetarians and vegans often eat 2 - 4 bananas a day will NO side effects.

Lots people eat up to 10 bananas a day without any problems.

The writer of this article consistantly eats 4 - 6 bananas a day and I am fantastic. My family goes through 3 large bunches of bananas every 2 days on average.

Programs you see on TV - even by doctors - have their research done by people who are often teenagers or interns and who go online and read something (like from the dis-info site wikipedia) and then quote what they read as true.

I remember watch Dr OZ and several other supposed doctors on TV shows claiming that 2 or more bananas a day was dangerous "Because Of Potassium".

So here is the "catch". The RDI (RDA) for potassium is 2,700 mgs a day so I fail to see how eating 2 bananas a day is considered bad by mis-informed doctors. PLUS potassium helps stop muscle cramps and also helps your heart function more easily.

To show you how Mis-Informed these doctors are, bananas are the "MOST EATEN" fruit in the USA and yet over 98% of Americans are potassium deficient. This proves just how "Out of touch" these doctors are.

Lies Told About Bananas

Please watch this great video portraying many of the ignorant lies about bananas.


  • That 98% of Americans are potassium deficient (** where America represents the typical Western diet)
  • Bananas have a low Glycemic Index (GI) of just 51
  • Remember that even doctors get it wrong as MOST have only a few weeks training in nutrition


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