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Wholesale African Plantain Bananas Sydney

The Flemington Banana Lady has all kinds of bananas for you to choose from.

One of these is the African Plantain banana.African Plantain Bananas Sydney NSW

The African Plantain is nutrient packed banana fruit that provides many vitamins and minerals, and it can be a great flavoursome substitute or enhancement for meals which contain rice or potatoes.

Nutritionally, plantains contain more vitamins A and C than traditional bananas, and they are rich sources of vitamin B6, potassium and fibre.

* Vitamin B6 is very important for people who have nerve damage and potassium is very important in assisting to maintain heart health especially when combined with magnesium.

How plantains are cooked as a component of an African recipe depends on which part of Africa you visit.

African Plantain can be boiled, roasted, baked or grilled.

  • One of Ghana's most popular African Plantain street food is called Kelewele and is made from plantains that have been diced, spiced and fried.
  • In the Congo region, African Plantains are either peeled, sliced, and boiled, or cut into rondelles and fried in oil, a dish called Makemba.
  • In Nigeria, African Plantains are enjoyed mostly sliced diagonally and fried, they also like African Plantains roasted on top of hot charcoals. This is a popular and fragrant street food called BolĂ©. (Bo-Lay)

Nutrition Values

Before cooking, one cup of African Plantains contains approx.

  • 181 calories
  • 47 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.9 grams protein
  • 0.5 grams fat
  • 3.4 grams fibre
  • 27.2 milligrams vitamin C (45% RDI DV)
  • 1,668 IU vitamin A (33% RDI)
  • 0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (22% RDI)
  • 739 milligrams potassium (21% RDI)
  • 55 milligrams magnesium (14% RDI)
  • 0.9 milligrams iron (5% RDI)

Did you know that after cooking these numbers change?

By cooking African Plantains this cooking changes the fruit's nutritional value.

So one cup of cooked, African Plantains now has:

  • 232 calories
  • 62.3 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.6 grams protein
  • 0.4 gram fat
  • 4.6 grams fibre
  • 1,818 IU vitamin A (36% RDI)
  • 21.8 milligrams vitamin C (36% RDI)
  • 930 milligrams potassium (27% RDI)
  • 0.5 milligram vitamin B6 (24% RDI)
  • 64 milligrams magnesium (16% RDI)
  • 1.2 milligrams iron (6% RDI)

Health Benefits of African Plantains

African Plantains are a solid source of fibre, carbohydrates with a low fat content, but they also provide a number of other health benefits as well.

  • Help regulate the digestive system
  • Great source of potassium
  • Reduce the number of harmful free radicals

Plus many other benefits.

Further Reading

If you would like some fascinating background information on the origins of Bananas in Africa, please check out this PDF.

Plantain Recipes

To see some great plantain recipes, please click the YouTube button.

Plantain banana recipes

Plantain Overview

Remember that when Plantains are black, that is when they are the sweetest and can be used for deserts.

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Phone: 02 9746 7204

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