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Different Types Of Bananas

There are over 500 different types of bananas around the world.

Listed below are some of them. This is not an all inclusive list because there are some isolated places on this planet which have not yet been explored.

For Example:

A strange relic banana population in the Philippines

A puzzling report from the 1970s noted the occurrence of "African" AAB plantains on the slopes of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines (De Langhe pers. comm).

Over 500 Varieties of Bananas

With over 500 varieties of bananas world wide, and some still waiting to be discovered, we have only listed a few common ones below.

These are listed by Group and Name.

AA Group
  • Diploid Musa acuminata, both wild banana plants and cultivars
  • Chingan banana
  • Lacatan banana
  • Lady Finger banana (Sugar banana)
  • Pisang jari buaya (Crocodile fingers banana)
  • Señorita banana (Monkoy, Arnibal banana, Cuarenta dias, Cariñosa, Pisang Empat Puluh Hari, Pisang Lampung)
  • Sinwobogi banana
AAA Group
  • Triploid Musa acuminata, both wild banana plants and cultivars
  • Cavendish Subgroup
  • 'Dwarf Cavendish'
  • 'Giant Cavendish' ('Williams')
  • Formosana (GCTCV-218), a variant with some resistance to Fusarium wilt TR4
  • 'Grand Nain' ('Chiquita')
  • 'Masak Hijau'
  • 'Robusta'
  • 'Red Dacca'
  • Dwarf Red banana
  • Gros Michel banana
  • East African Highland bananas (AAA-EA subgroup)
AAAA Group
  • Tetraploid Musa acuminata, both wild bananas and cultivars
  • Bodles Altafort banana
  • Golden Beauty banana
AAAB Group
  • Tetraploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca
  • Atan banana
  • Goldfinger banana
AAB Group
  • Triploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca. This Group contains the Plantain subgroup, composed of "true" plantains or African Plantains - whose centre of diversity is Central and West Africa, where a large number of cultivars were domesticated following the introduction of ancestral Plantains from Asia, possibly 3000-5000 years ago.
  • The Iholena and Maoli-Popo'ulu subgroups are referred to as Pacific plantains.
  • Iholena subgroup - subgroup of cooking bananas domesticated in the Pacific region
  • Maoli-Popo'ulu subgroup - subgroup of cooking bananas domesticated in the Pacific region
  • Maqueño banana
  • Popoulu banana
  • Mysore subgroup - cooking and dessert bananas
  • Mysore banana
  • Pisang Raja subgroup
  • Pisang Raja banana
  • Plantain subgroup
  • French plantain
  • Green French banana
  • Horn plantain & Rhino Horn banana
  • Nendran banana
  • Pink French banana
  • Tiger banana
  • Pome subgroup
  • Pome banana
  • Prata-anã banana (Dwarf Brazilian banana, Dwarf Prata)
  • Silk subgroup
  • Latundan banana (Silk banana, Apple banana)
  • Others
  • Pisang Seribu banana
  • Plu banana
AABB Group
  • Tetraploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca
  • Kalamagol banana
  • Pisang Awak (Ducasse banana)
AB Group
  • Diploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca
  • Ney Poovan banana
ABB Group
  • Triploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca
  • Blue Java banana (Ice Cream banana, Ney mannan, Ash plantain, Pata hina, Dukuru, Vata)
  • Bluggoe Subgroup
  • Bluggoe banana (also known as orinoco and "burro")
  • Silver Bluggoe banana
  • Pelipita banana (Pelipia, Pilipia)
  • Saba Subgroup
  • Saba banana (Cardaba, Dippig)
  • Cardaba banana
  • Benedetta banana
ABBB Group
  • Tetraploid cultivars of Musa × paradisiaca
  • Tiparot banana
BB Group
  • Diploid Musa balbisiana, wild bananas
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